

The process of losing weight is one of the most difficult processes for the body to perform, because it requires persistence and will.

Most of the weight loss products that are on the market work to lose weight quickly, which leads to loss of its vitality and a decrease in its level of performance.

But the product Luxura brings you today, Belite 123, works to control weight while improving body functions, gaining vitality and vigor.

Belite 123 is an effective 3-month weight control program by boosting metabolism, suppressing appetite, and detoxifying the body, helping to eliminate the effects of obesity and excess weight.

Belite 123 is a combination of US patents (US7537790) and European patent (EP 2564860A2) through 3 basic compounds, combining medical and scientific formulas, which help you with the following:

  1. Eliminate toxins and boost metabolism
  2. Burning fats and preventing their formation
  3. Curb the appetite
  4. Preventing fat precipitation
  5. Reducing cholesterol and sugar levels
  6. Reducing inflammation
  7. Improve bowel movement

Having a good and attractive appearance is important, but the most important thing is that the body internally is in good health, confident and comfortable, so Belite 123 works to control weight, not lose it.

Belite 123 is distinguished from any other product in that it:

  1. It uses a multi-method treatment
  2. Reconstruct the obesity genes
  3. Performs 7 jobs in one group
  4. Consists of 3 fixtures
  5. It can be eaten in 3 simple steps
  6. It only needs 3 months to be consumed
  7. Cost effective

The side effects:

There are no serious side effects due to taking Belite 123 as it is formulated with clinically proven natural formulations extracted from plants.

No manufactured materials have been added to it. It’s also free from GMOs and gluten-free, and is suitable for vegans.

However, we do not recommend that pregnant or breastfeeding women consume Belite 123. We also strongly recommend that pregnant women consult their physicians regarding calorie consumption, activity and weight control to maximize the health of the mother and the fetus.

The difference between Belite 123 and Qafe:

The primary mechanism of Belite 02 is fat loss, and the active compounds in it (yeast peptide, albumin and ellagic acid) act on both a hormonal and genetic level.

These hormones concerned with satiety (ghrelin, leptin, and adiponectin) and genes associated with obesity (a receptor activated by proliferating peroxisome type – gamma “PPARg” and leptin) are found naturally in the body but must be regulated and / or improved to strengthen their functions.

While weight loss is the secondary mechanism of Qafé, its active ingredient (chlorogenic acid) works on a molecular level by boosting the body’s metabolism. It is not present in the body but must be obtained from the diet.

Both products work synergistically to burn fat, and together with a healthy diet and exercise program, they will help you reach ideal weight and excellent health.


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